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GAC is blessed with a diverse school community that strives to be a reflection of Christian Atlanta. We remain committed to continuing to grow in our hiring and retention of a diverse, highly qualified, faithful team.
Breakdown of Student Body Demographics
In addition, 38% of recent hires have been faculty/staff of color
For RoughDraft Atlanta, the “Meet our 20 Under 20 Honorees for 2025” article is a place where students are recognized for their deep involvement in the community. These individuals, typically high school students, are engaged with those around them, service-oriented, and are true leaders of their community.
GAC junior Ivey recently participated in a unique opportunity designed to introduce high school girls to careers in construction. Hosted by the Athens Area Women in Construction in partnership with the UGA College of Environment and Design, the free summer camp provided hands-on experience in construction-related fields.
"Let's teach children to celebrate their differences and to embrace the Imago Dei within each other. Let's free them from the burden of hate by showing them Christ's love." - Dr. Aaron Howard
GAC alumni Chuck Efstration (Class of 2001) authored and helped to pass Georgia’s new Anti-Hate Crimes Act, which received national attention this year and was recently signed into law. Georgia previously had been one of four states without a hate crime law.
“Music embodies the words we can’t express. It comforts us during our deepest tragedies and fuels us during our greatest triumphs. More importantly, it unites us. Black History Month is not just for African Americans. The music you will hear today is woven into all of our lives” shared Simone Roberts, GAC’s Student Leader of Unity, who then proceeded to further describe the reason for the day’s special chapel assembly.
Hosting an international student forms one family out of two.
While school nurse Kristen Wilson was palming warm foreheads and administering inhalers to Elementary students, back at home there were two Crock-Pots slowcooking dinner for her family. The newest addition, Zhang '18, was an active six-foot teenager who ate like one.
Victoria Chyrack helped close out Black History Month in a big way. This senior felt motivated to organize GAC’s first ever I Have A Dream Chapel. From "Feeling Good" with the trombone back up, to a choral rendition of “It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day” to “September” by the GAC Band, the assembly was one of the most moving this year.
Last Tuesday, in the high school chapel, the first annual Chinese New Year Celebration began featuring performances of traditional Chinese dance and song from our own International Students.
Everyone could use a little inspiration. For the teachers and students at Meadowcreek Elementary School in Norcross, Georgia, sometimes that inspiration comes in the form of GAC Middle and High School students who take the bus across the street to serve in their classrooms. It’s neighbor helping neighbor, as both GAC and Meadowcreek students benefit from the partnership that has spanned many decades.