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GAC is a great school.

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GAC Private High School in Norcross, GA

Set your path in High School. 

Move toward graduation with confidence and intention in a community shaped by academic excellence and built upon Christian faith.

High school is a time of self-discovery and preparation. At GAC, students prepare for college and beyond with a combination of rigorous academics and important world experiences.

Personalized Pathways College counseling begins in the 9th Grade, supporting students as they navigate their unique paths. Through a variety of activities, engaging learning opportunities, and intentional preparation, students are encouraged to explore their passions and achieve their goals. Our learning model offers choice and depth in chosen areas, preparing students for diverse futures.

Student CommunityWith just over 600 students, approximately 150 per grade, and an average class size of 16, GAC's high school fosters a close-knit community. Our unique high school complex design promotes collaboration and mirrors modern workplaces, preparing students for future professional environments.

Academic ExcellenceGAC’s HighSchool leads Atlanta independent schools with:

  • 29 AP courses
  • 25 honors courses
  • 7 world languages
  • Over 40 High School STEM classes
  • More than 20,000 square feet of facilities dedicated to STEM experiences 

Building Lifelong Skills and Values 

Colleges and employers seek individuals who stand out with motivation, tenacity, passion, intelligence, and generosity. The GAC High School curriculum builds experiences that nurture academic excellence, faith, mission, and life skills. 

Nurturing Faith and Relationships 

Daily interactions and dedicated programs ensure that students grow in their faith and build meaningful relationships. Whether through chapel services, mission projects, or community events, students deepen their spiritual journey and develop strong, supportive connections.

The High School Experience

"My son's relationships with his teachers have made his learning experience in High School extraordinary. His teachers are always accessible to help answer questions, and they understand his unique learning style. They provide a learning environment for him where thinking differently is celebrated, so he believes anything is possible in his future!"

Dorothy Powell, GAC parent

Course Scheduling Options

Contact for Admissions

GAC Admissions

School Administration

Dr. Paul Cable
High School Principal

Dr. Brad Denton
High School Dean of Academics

Jessica Guarneri
High School Dean of Student Culture

Dr. Garrett Granberg
High School Dean of Student Culture

Hope Godleski
High School Project Manager

Emily Long
High School Administrative Assistant

High School Attendance