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GAC is a great school.

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GAC Interactive Virtual Tour

Click on the video to choose your path through campus.


Welcome to Greater Atlanta Christian School! This interactive virtual tour of the GAC campus allows for a personalized exploration through areas used by Middle & High School, Lower School, Arts, Athletics, and Spiritual Life. During the tour, you will fly across campus to any area you choose, go inside each building, and hear from GAC leaders at each location. 

Locations are grouped by topic. At each location, you can:

  • Go inside buildings by selecting "Learn More"
  • "Visit More Locations" within the same topic
  • Change topic tracks using the black "Exploring" button
  • Select "Next Steps" to talk with Admissions, visit GAC, or apply

We have also included a map to help you stay oriented as you go. This map can be found under "Visit More Locations." The map will show the locations of whichever topic track you are currently on. You can change topics at any time by selecting the black "Exploring" button. 

We recommend you explore GAC's Interactive Virtual Tour in full-screen mode. 

Thank you for your interest in Greater Atlanta Christian School. We can't wait to see you on campus soon. Go Spartans!