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GAC is a great school.

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Christian faith is lived in the classroom, across campus, and between peers.

If you ask Greater Atlanta Christian School families what makes them feel at home in our community, the answer is clear. It is the shared values and beliefs. Faith and spirit bring this academic community to life. You see it and feel it in expected places, like the 21 mission trips and regular fellowship opportunities we offer. You also see and feel it in the way that faculty and staff mentor students inside the classroom and out, and in the ways peers become family.

GAC's Mission

GAC is a non-denominational Christian school that encourages students of all backgrounds to learn more about what it means to have faith in God, put it into action, and find meaningful and healthy relationships in their school environment every day. 

Our community strives to meet each student wherever they are on their faith journey and inspire them toward Christ. The result is a community where students grow spiritually and emotionally through serving others and engaging in deep and relevant conversations. Relationships are of the utmost importance, and we are humbled to walk alongside families through life. 

It is our hope that students and families would be met with love and encouragement as we seek to "grow as Jesus did, "in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52).

At GAC, we are active in our faith. 

We live out our Christian beliefs and create opportunities for students to grow in their relationship with God every day, in a multitude of ways:

“The guidance of my teachers and the biblical learning provided in our daily Bible classes and chapel services created an early foundation of faith that was much more impactful than I realized at the time.  It reinforced a moral standard that helped steer my compass when confronted with many challenging ethical dilemmas and life decisions. Without the influences of those teachers, classes, and classmates, I’m certain that I’d not be on the same path that I am today. Now as a parent, I’m excited to provide a similar environment to my children.  I know that the teachers have and will continue to pour their love into our children to watch them flourish and achieve even greater things.”

Thomas Vorpahl '92, Parent to three GAC students

Lead by example.

At GAC, students are shaped by their families, peers, and instructors. This is a Christ-centered community that takes seriously the gift and responsibility to represent Christ in how we worship, learn, and live. Our Statement of Faith and Community Covenant demonstrate these beliefs and ensure that GAC thrives as a faith-infused academic community.

The GAC Statement of Faith is signed annually by each member of the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff. The signatures are their promise to uphold our mutual beliefs in God’s message reflected in the Bible and historic Christianity. 

Read GAC's Statement of Faith

The Community Covenant is a set of guiding principles that our Board of Trustees, administration, and staff commit to exemplifying in their day to day lives. The Community Covenant helps to ensure that everyone who interacts with GAC students upholds the responsibility of a faith infused community. 

Read GAC's Community Covenant

Grow in faith. 

GAC is a community where people are doing life together, by the grace of God.

Learn  More