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Media Resources

Lower School

The Henderson Media Center homepage has many resources students can access from home.  The Online Learning section includes links to our subscription databases including Brainpop, Bookflix, and Worldbook Student. Other learning tools include online story times with various authors and celebrities, virtual field trips, exploring national parks, doodles with Mo Willems, NASA, audible, coding sights, and more!

Don’t forget about our reading contests!  For our younger Spartans we have monthly reading challenges (located on the Topics page) and Alphapalooza.  Alphapalooza encourages students to read a book that starts with each letter of the alphabet and keep a log. For the upper grades we have the Passport Club which challenges 4th and 5th graders to read 6 different genres on their reading level and successfully complete an AR tests on each one.    All documents for the contests can be downloaded from the Media Center Bulletin Board page.  Send all completed documents to

 Be sure and visit the TOPICS page section for even more resources.  The Topics page features book trailers divided by grade level and genre.  Students may see something that inspires them to try a new genre!   

The week of April 13th starts online book clubs for 4th-5th grade students.  This optional activity will include a weekly Wednesday Zoom to discuss the featured book.  The Language Arts teachers will be providing more information.   Our goal is for our students to develop a love of learning starting at an early age!

Middle and High School

There are several options for digital sources students can use from home. Here is what we have to offer:


 We have audiobooks for middle school and high school. Fiction and nonfiction to listen to while you walk, exercise, or sanitize. For many students, reading print while also listening to the audiobook will accelerate their reading comprehension and fluency. You can listen from your computer or your phone. There is a link on the Liles Media Center page, or You will also find eBooks here if you prefer to read with your eyes.

“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” Ray Bradbury

Research anything on Liles Media Center databases

Newspapers, magazines, videos, podcasts, subject encyclopedias, Academic Journal, it’s all there. Access from the Liles Media Center resource board on MyGAC

We have databases for Literature, Science, History, Current Events, Geography, and more.

If you would like research help please contact Bonnie Baker at

“Research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.”  Neil Armstrong

Working on a research paper?

Mrs. Baker is available for online help with research, and writing help. Email: with any research questions. Also, if you have a draft of a paper and would like some feedback about how or where to improve, Mrs. Baker is ready to work with you on your paper.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin


Bonnie Baker
MS & HS Media Specialist

Allison Anderson
LS Media Specialist