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GAC is a great school.

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Always a Spartan.


GAC Alumni Build and Carry a Legacy to Be Greater.

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Together, alumni are greater.

You are a life-long Spartan. Although campus may appear a little different on the outside than your days as a student, GAC will forever be your school and your “home away from home”. You are always welcome here.

As an alumnus, you have a unique understanding of how GAC cares actively, innovates wisely, nurtures with intentionality, and operates with excellence in every endeavor. You inspire us with how you live out these principles and the mission of your school. Thank you for the valuable part you play in the lasting legacy of GAC.

Upon graduation, Spartans are welcomed into a diverse and engaged community of over 5,300 worldwide. A key distinction of the student and alumni experiences are that they are relational and not transactional. Alumni relationships matter because relationships based on common bonds and shared experiences can be life-changing.

The GAC Alumni Office is your resource to stay connected with each other and your school through news, networking, sharing expertise with students, participating in reunions and school events, giving back to students on financial aid, visiting campus to see teachers and for alumni admissions tours, cheering on the Spartans, and more.

We count it a blessing to reconnect with you and to serve as your bridge with the greater GAC community. It’s an honor to see how God continues to do His marvelous work in the lives of our alumni and current Spartans, every year. Please reach out to us anytime!


Get Involved

Network & Share Expertise

Networking with fellow GAC Alumni is a great resource for professional development. Network with alumni by career field, city, and more on the GAC Alumni LinkedIn page. If you are interested in sharing your expertise with students in the classroom, contact the GAC Alumni Office to learn more.


Alumni believe in supporting GAC through their time, talents, and treasures. You show your support by sharing alumni and school news, being a school ambassador through word-of-mouth, cheering for Spartans, giving back to designated programs and to students on financial aid, volunteering at events, supporting alumni businesses, and engaging with students.

Alumni News

Ben Sheppard: GAC Alum and Indiana Pacers' Rookie Enjoys His First Season in the NBA

Ben Sheppard (GAC Class of 2019) was drafted into the NBA this past summer by the Indiana Pacers. During his Rookie season, Sheppard has earned playing time against several NBA stars. Fellow classmate Jack Batten (GAC Class of 2019) interviewed Sheppard for the Gwinnett Daily Post after the Pacers played the Atlanta Hawks. 

Read More about Ben Sheppard: GAC Alum and Indiana Pacers' Rookie Enjoys His First Season in the NBA

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