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GAC is a great school.

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GAC's Big Ideas

Distinctive Qualities that make GAC Unique

GAC isn't just a school; it's a thriving community dedicated to nurturing and educating the next generation. Our approach to education extends far beyond academics. We are committed to fostering an environment that supports not only intellectual growth but also spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. Grounded in our deep-rooted faith and driven by a spirit of innovation, GAC is devoted to enriching the lives of our students and community in every possible way.

Personalized Academic Preparedness

At GAC, rigorous, intentional academic opportunities and experiences are designed and implemented with distinct purpose for each student. Whatever your child's interest, there is a broad variety of opportunities in place to grow and nurture that interest along with opportunities for your child to learn at a competitive level. We believe learning goes beyond simply knowing answers to a test. With collaboration and creativity infused into every course, your student will gain exceptional real-world experience in the every day learning environment. GAC has thoughtfully designed a curriculum that is aligned across all grade levels, from PK to 12, that incorporates all of these significant facets of education, in hopes to create the best possible environment for your child. 


GAC is an academic community where faith is lived out in the classroom, across campus, and between peers. It is the lens through which we view, create, and implement each educational opportunity. In the design of each classroom, each lesson, each relationship, faith is the foundation of all aspects of the teaching and learning process. Present in the written curriculum, visually represented in each classroom, and incorporated into the design of each lesson, our faith is vibrant and guiding all aspects of our pedagogy. We value the pursuit of academic excellence in the framework of faith for those on our campus and in our digital environments and global partnerships through Ethos School.

For the Whole Family

The GAC community is comprised of families partnering to Be Greater together.

  • By providing rigor, challenge, and support, GAC meets the needs of a wide spectrum of students through the educational choices it offers and the unique pathways it provides for students to pursue their interests, whether academic, athletic, or artistic.
  • Opportunities to volunteer, serve, and worship together, whether through the weekly Moms and Dads Bible Studies, the GAC Parent Association, monthly Prayer Walks, and special assemblies, help form the bonds which make up the fabric of our strong community.
  • The yearly Parent Speaker Series provides families with the resources they need to raise resilient children who will go on to make a contribution to the world.
  • Parents are able to participate in adult tennis, swimming, choral and dance classes at GAC furthering their own interests.
Fuel Each Student's Purpose

GAC is a learning environment designed for each student to explore and find his or her passion, identify their strengths and gifts, and prepare for the future. As a school, we empower each student individually, valuing his or her distinct background, abilities, passions, and ability to contribute to peers, the school, the community, and the world. As our students graduate and leave the GAC community, our goal is that we have prepared them with:

  • A well-rounded experience within the graduation requirements but also having been encouraged to explore electives in everything from robotics to musical theater
  • Global competency through extending learning beyond the classroom with learning excursions, mission trips, and study abroad trips
  • Communication, presentation, technology, and leadership skills which we build into each content area, from as early as Lower School
  • A growth mindset and a desire for life-long learning from our carefully crafted academic programs
  • Resourcefulness resulting from the encouragement of trusted teachers and coaches that allow our students to face challenging situations head-on.
Forward-Thinking Innovation

Innovation at GAC hinges on advanced, cutting-edge research. From classroom design to school start times, our decisions reflect care and consideration for ways to advance learning faster. From data-informed decision making to partnerships with higher education, we strive to create the best possible environment for our students to grow and learn, as we learn alongside them. A few of our favorite ways our in-depth research has lead to greater innovations on GAC's campus include:

  • Redesigned learning spaces that promote collaboration and person-to-person interaction
  • Digital Citizenship in which our campus is an Apple Distinguished School and our teachers are equipped with the best ways to incorporate technology into their classrooms
  • Flexible learning modalities like our Ethos School, Zero Hour and Blended classes that provide our students with the ability to pursue their academic, athletic, and/or artistic goals
Relationships at the Center

Relationships between students, teachers, and parents make GAC a real and vibrant place where academic and emotional intellect are built in community with one another. Relationships are also a priority in the teaching and learning process. This leads to enhanced student engagement and ownership. We believe that by creating a caring and responsive teaching atmosphere our students have benefitted in a variety of ways. From learning empathy by serving alongside their teachers to having relationships that encourage resiliency, we equip our teachers and staff with the tools to create an environment where all students feel safe to grow, learn, and build relationships.