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2023 GAC STAR Students and Teachers Announced
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2023 GAC STAR Students and Teachers Announced

GAC Seniors John Alsobrook of Lawrenceville and Jackson Rosero of Atlanta were recently named Georgia STAR students, a recognition program sponsored statewide by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) Foundation.

To become a STAR student, a high school senior must score the highest on a single test date on the SAT, equal to or higher than the 2022 national average scores. Students must also be in the top 10 percent of their graduating class based on grade-point average. This year, we were lucky enough to have two students recognized for this honor! 

What is unique about this program is that each STAR student picks a teacher who has significantly impacted their life or education. Those teachers are named STAR teachers.

John chose Dr. Derek Wilson (Dean of Technology & Innovation and Scholar Capstone Teacher).

Jackson chose Samuel Vernhes (French Teacher) as his STAR teacher. 

We are proud of our students' accomplishments and the teachers who have impacted them along the way! 

Read more about the STAR student program here.

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