... a house more WONDERFUL than their dreams.
In the early 1960s, the first donors to support Greater Atlanta Christian School gave as an expression of obedience to God. Their desire was to build a school that provided quality education in a Christian environment, where prayer could occur within the school, and a racially integrated student body would learn alongside one another. They knew the Lord wanted to see them come together to establish a Christian school in the Atlanta area. That group of “ordinary people” invited others to invest the resources that God had given them – their energy, their prayers, and their financial gifts.
Generosity and faithfulness are woven into the fabric of our history and have continued to bless GAC for generations. The work of those who have come before us, beginning with the visionaries who made the decision to purchase two farms off Indian Trail Road, paved the way for the GAC of today. For nearly six decades, the GAC community has continued a legacy of giving as an expression of trust, hope for the future, and gratitude for what the Lord has done through our school. GAC would not be the school it is today without the financial support of many families who came before us.
Why did so many give above the price tag of tuition? Why should you consider doing so now? God calls us to an unconventional relationship with our resources, to remember that those resources came from Him. He expects us to bless others, not just our own families, and he reminds us that through giving, we in turn, will be blessed.
“You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity.” 2 Corinthians 9:11
“The story of Greater Atlanta Christian School is truly the story of God taking a group of ordinary people with not more than a dream and using them to build a house more wonderful than their dreams. I have prayed that God would bless generous people with wealth.” - Jesse Long, GAC Founding President
Trusting God with our Finances
So ask yourself - How do we manage the money we have? Are we inclined to store it up for emergencies? Are we spending it because we might not have it later, or we need to keep up with others? Do we give our money to friends, charities, churches, or educational institutions to support causes we believe are important? Our culture is often characterized by consumerism and a focus on the present. At the same time, our attitude towards money is often influenced by friends, education, families, and more. These influences can often confuse us when determining the most important priorities in life.
“Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth… but store up treasures for yourselves in heaven… For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also. No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:19-21, 24
God is clear to caution us about putting our trust in things or people that cannot offer us real security. Jesus spoke frequently about money and wealth because he recognized the profound influence it holds over people’s lives and hearts. Jesus aimed to redirect people’s focus from material wealth toward trust in God, emphasizing the importance of a heart transformed by love, compassion, and generosity.
The central truth to our lives is to know God and that he loves us and wants the best for us. Everything that is given to us is an expression of His love. Everything we have comes from God. We begin by expressing gratitude for these blessings and taking all that has been given to us and placing it at the service of others. We are called to contribute and bless, rather than to take and condemn. That is the way we express our love back to God.
Our Renewed Call and Expanded Vision
GAC’s commitment to “Be Greater” is a promise and an investment. Our mission is to help each child grow as Jesus did, in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. The skills needed by today’s students are ever-expanding. These profound changes require GAC to continually renew our call and expand our vision for enhanced learning, innovative programming, and a focus on the greater community.
GAC’s fundraising efforts are a unique way of sharing our vision for the future and inviting others into our mission – parents, grandparents, foundations, corporations, and community members. Charitable contributions support the people and programs that make GAC extraordinary. They ensure our technology is always up-to-date, that our campus remains a vibrant and inspiring place to learn, and exceptional offerings exist for our students, from the arts to athletics.
The invitation to support GAC is clear and confident because we trust that our vision and mission are like “trees planted by the streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither” (Psalm 1:3). The Lord draws us together to do great things. It is our hope that GAC falls in your top three giving priorities and that you prayerfully consider the various opportunities to support our school.
As GAC moves into the next phase of growth, we ask that you be in prayer about your family’s role. Could now be the time for the sharing of your blessings in support of furthering Christian education for this generation and generations to come?
Thank you for being part of Greater Atlanta Christian School’s legacy of generous giving.
“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8