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Black and White Exhibition Celebrates 20 Years
  • Arts
Black and White Exhibition Celebrates 20 Years

For 20 years GAC has been celebrating the annual Black and White Exhibition, showcasing the best visual artistry from GAC students of all ages. Hosted annually by the Fine Arts Department in the Art & Design Center, this special tradition invites the entire GAC community to experience the creative journey of young artists through mediums including paintings, drawings, ceramics, photography, videography and sculpture.

In April 2024, GAC marked the 20th anniversary of the Black and White Exhibition. What began in 2005 as a dream of high school art teacher Tim Baker and former teacher Elaine Adams – to host a gallery style art exhibit where attendees would dress up to appreciate students’ artwork on display – has grown into one of the most cherished Arts events on campus. Each Spring, the Black and White Exhibition gathers family, friends, students, and alumni to witness GAC’s incredible student artwork on display. 

Meredith Ferguson, GAC Visual Arts Department Chair, showcased her work as a student at GAC when the Black and White Exhibition was in its first years, and now inspires her students to pour their heart into their own art displays each year. She said, “The Black and White Exhibition is an amazing collaborative moment between the Visual Arts Department, Band, Orchestra, and Sage Dining. This is the closest experience our students will have to a college level art exhibition showcasing their artistic expression. There’s a buzz around this event every year, and it’s been exciting to see. While times, facilities, and faces have changed over the years, the heart of the event remains the same. It has always been, and will continue to be, a family-oriented celebration of art and community.”

Whether through sketching, pottery, or acrylic painting – students are encouraged to explore their talents, develop their giftings, and express their perspectives through art. Each year the exhibition continues to honor the past while paving the way for the next generation of GAC’s young artists to shine. 

  • Arts