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GAC Leads with Neuroeducation
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GAC Leads with Neuroeducation

This week, GAC hosted a national conference for its teachers and Ethos partner schools on Neuroeducation: Teaching Models Informed by Neuroscience. This conference featured Dr. Mariale Hardiman, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Education.

She presented on the Brain-Targeted Teaching® Model, a research-based framework she developed which connects the field of neuroscience and education and provides a cohesive structure for interpreting research findings and putting them into practice. This conference provided a sound framework to help educators and administrators enhance their teaching practices and achieve new heights in education.

Dr. Hardiman presented the most current research in neuroscience and how it connects with education. She also shared practical strategies that teachers can use to implement the best in neuroscience research in their school, considering everything from the physical to the emotional climate of the classroom. The goal is to ultimately improve student learning and outcomes. 

This conference is just one of the many ways that GAC is leading the way in research-based education among Christian schools in Atlanta. As part of its partnership with Johns Hopkins, GAC will serve as a laboratory school, engaging with the university in research studies to advance the field of neuroeducation.

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