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Sydni Hope, Class of 2026, Recognized in RoughDraft Atlanta 20 Under 20
  • Academics
Sydni Hope, Class of 2026, Recognized in RoughDraft Atlanta 20 Under 20

For RoughDraft Atlanta, the “Meet our 20 Under 20 Honorees for 2025” article is a place where students are recognized for their deep involvement in the community. These individuals, typically high school students, are engaged with those around them, service-oriented, and are true leaders of their community. This article showcases each of their accomplishments. This year was a particularly competitive year with over 100 nominees and a GAC student was chosen as one of the twenty honorees. Below is a highlight of what you’ll find in the article:

Sydni’s role as the Teen Community Service and Foundation Chair for the Dunwoody Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America.
Her active participation in the National Black MBA Association’s Leaders of Tomorrow program. 
Sydni’s passion for sports and how it led to the creation of Sports x Sparkle, an online community for individuals who are passionate about sports (@sosportsxsparkle).

We are proud of Sydni’s commitment to her community. To read the full article, click here


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