Victoria Chyrack helped close out Black History Month in a big way. This senior felt motivated to organize GAC’s first ever I Have A Dream Chapel. From "Feeling Good" with the trombone back up, to a choral rendition of “It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day” to “September” by the GAC Band, the assembly was one of the most moving this year. Concluding the chapel was Victoria herself with a speech that captivated everyone in attendance. “I am aware now more so than ever of the power infeasible dreams hold and how something as quiet as an idea can crescendo into an anthem.”
“Today’s performances were in honor of men and women that were met with indifference for the pursuit of an idea so unconventional and unfamiliar that many of them were made into martyrs because of it. However, as I look around this room, and speak on this stage I realize we today are the dream that these people held onto. The dream..that they were willing to stand by, up until their last breath. We are the anthem. Let these people be reminders of where we’ve been and how far we've come as a nation. Today we recognize those that have carried us here, and as we recognize them we’re once again made mindful of our own unfamiliar ideas. Our own dreams that we are willing to stand by.
First, we must remember in order to move forward an understanding of our past is vital, and in order to move forward envisioning our destination is also vital. The question is not IF we will have to stand for something one day, the question shouldn’t even be when, I am here standing on behalf of a belief in today. And Today we will not be afraid. I have hope in us. I have hope that we will continue to fulfill our destiny as a nation. I have hope that we will live out the first claim made in the title of our school name. I have hope that everyone will play their part in this anthem. I have hope, because its all I can have, and in this moment its all I can offer, but if that hope was sufficient enough for George Washington to defeat an army of Hessians through the darkness of night during the battle of Trenton, or Harriet Tubman to lead over 300 slaves to their freedom through the darkness of night, or for my forefathers the neg maron of Haiti to takedown Napolean’s French militia for their Independence, for my independence. I have hope that we who are the next generation of leaders. We who speak on behalf of today and tomorrow. Will stand beside our dreams and compose some anthems of our own. I know that with God’s help our community can push this world forward and if that same hope was enough to help Muhammad Ali float like a butterfly and sting like a bee then it might as well begin Today starting with you and me.”