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Parker Hallock Selected for Georgia's Governor's Honors Program
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Parker Hallock Selected for Georgia's Governor's Honors Program

Congratulations to Parker Hallock ’21 who was selected for Georgia's Governor's Honors Program in Communicative Arts. The Georgia Governor’s Honors Program is highly selective with thousands of students competing for approximately 640 spots in eleven categories. Students spend four weeks at Berry College in Rome, Georgia, attending morning and afternoon classes in their major and elective courses as well as taking part in relevant field trips and enrichment experiences. 

Says Parker, “The skills involved in Communicative Arts are not only applicable to other subjects, but they also unlock unlimited possibilities as both a reader and writer. For these reasons, my passion for this subject has grown, and it continues to grow as I develop my skills in this area.” He is grateful for his time at GAC and the way in which the teachers and programs have helped him earn this recognition. Challenging courses throughout middle and high school, as well as academic opportunities such as Mock Trial, have helped strengthen his skills and deepen his perspective and understanding.


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