The show must go on! GAC Dance Department joyfully presented the third annual Nutcracker performance recently, although modifications were in place to adhere to COVID-19 safety guidelines. Students enrolled in Middle and High School dance elective classes practiced for many weeks in preparation of the performance. This classic Christmas ballet was performed on November 19 for the dancers’ family and friends, and then again the next day for our friends across the street at Meadowcreek Elementary via livestream into their classrooms. Four guest performers, including two GAC teachers, participated this year, making this year’s cast the most robust ever. Audience seating was limited to ensure social distancing, but many friends and grandparents viewed the performance from the comfort and safety of their homes with livestream. The delightful performance was a bright spot in the school year, uplifting our community as we long for the arts more than ever during Christmastime.